May 26, 2022 1 min read


Missy's Buckets Founder Zoe Manning recently received the below email:

"Hey, Zoe,
I've been chatting to ZYX, and as you may know, we have both researched the equine diet so much that I'm now totally confused! ZYX suggested I get in touch with you!
Basically, I'd like to get you to do a diet for My horses if possible? I have four currently and trying to cover all bases with being cost-effective at the same time - lol - if that's even possible!


Zoe sent Leight the detailed Personalised Diet Review questions. Once they filled out all the relevant details, they finished it off with...

From Leigh..."I feel it's (their current diets) too complicated! And I think the pellets don't have enough copper/zinc? I am really just after easy, keep costs lower than they currently are 😬😬 if that's possible 🙄🤣 and you can cover what they need without all the added extras!"


"Hey Zoe,

So a quick update! It took a couple of weeks to change them over fully, so they have now been on Missy's Bucket full-time for about three weeks.
The main thing I've already noticed is my black gypsy cob mare who is pregnant was actually that browny/black colour, and she's gone completely black!! All the brownish has gone except in her forelock, but I'll obviously have to cut that out to get rid of it, and here's hoping bubs comes out in late November super healthy also!

So basically, so far, so good, and I am super happy already. Thanks for your diet help so far!!

Missy's Bucket Case Study

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