Enviromental Impact

Looking after our environment now and into future has long been a priority for us at Missy's Bucket. We have been looking at all aspects of our operation to identify areas we could change or improve our environmental footprint. 

Carbon Emissions are a challenge that we have decided to tackle by investing 1% of Missy's Bucket profits annually to Greenfleet's carbon offset program. 

Reducing or eliminating emissions can be difficult for business. Even when reduction is a focus, some emissions are unavoidable. To counteract this, we can reduce our impact on the environment by investing in an offset program such as this.

Greenfleet is a leading not-for-profit environmental organisation committed to protecting our climate by restoring our forests. 

Greenfleet plants native biodiverse forests to capture carbon emissions and help fight the impacts of climate change. Since 1997, Greenfleet has planted over 9.4 million trees across 500 forests in Australia and New Zealand. 

As they grow, Greenfleet forests:

  • absorb carbon emissions,
  • improve soil and water quality, and
  • restore habitat for native wildlife, including many endangered species. 

Greenfleet is Australia’s most respected source of biodiverse carbon offsets. Through practical climate action, Greenfleet is growing hope for our climate. 

Learn more at: www.greenfleet.org.au