Why Warm Winters Increase Laminitis Risks and How to Protect Your Horse

Why Warm Winters Increase Laminitis Risks and How to Protect Your Horse

Discover how warm winters elevate laminitis risks in horses. Learn effective strategies to protect your horse, including dietary adjustments, pasture management, and hoof care.
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Understanding Insulin Resistance in Horses and Winter Care

Understanding Insulin Resistance in Horses and Winter Care

Insulin resistance (IR) in horses is a common issue, particularly in breeds prone to Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS). During winter, when horses are less active, the risk of developing or exacerbating insulin resistance increases. Proper nutritional support is crucial in managing this condition, and Missy's Bucket products are designed to help.
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Laminitis Management with Missy's Bucket

Laminitis Management with Missy's Bucket

Insulin resistance or equine Metabolic syndrome, is the most common cause of laminitis in horses and minerals play an important role, a mineral balance diet is crucial, in promoting healthy insulin levels and optimal recovery from laminitis.
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Understanding Body Conditioning Score: Your Horse’s Health Card

Understanding Body Conditioning Score: Your Horse’s Health Card

Discover the importance of using the Henneke Body Conditioning Score for assessing your horse's health. Learn how to calculate it and how it can help prevent seasonal health issues like laminitis.
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